Crack Hacks

Monday, February 27, 2006

The first cut...probably wasn't all that deep

Adding injury to insult, Lance Armstrong didn't just dump fiancee Sheryl Crow, now he's gone and given her cancer! Yesterday Shery Crow announced she is recovering from breast cancer surgery and looks to make a full recovery.

And I think that's great. I mean really, she's had it tough. She's a hot rocker chick that's just a little too much older than all the other nubile young singer-sluts, and she keeps getting dumped. There was Eric Clapton, then Kid Rock boofed Pamela Anderson when they were still dating, and then of course the whole Armstrong thing...But I can't help thinking...

Breast cancer???

How the hell could she tell?

I mean, was she sure she didn't just grab a rib and over-react?


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