Crack Hacks

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bloody good show, bitches!

Who would have thought that British fans of Kanye West are just as trigger-happy and violent as American ones?

West's concert last night in Birmingham, England turned bloody after an ejected fan went home, got his girlfriend, came back and shot two security guards, seriously injuring one of them. Now I don't get why he needed his girlfriend there to shoot someone, but hey, maybe he stores his bullets in her lady-parts.

Since most of what I know about British people comes from Merchant-Ivory films and Charles Dickens, I keep imagine the exchange went something like "Good sir, your exuberance is quite unseemly, might you be so good as to vacate the premises forthwith?" and "Blimey! He's gone and knickered me in the bollywags!"

"Can't attend the Kanye musicale? Why, I shall most certainly pop caps in your asses, goodfellows! Pip pip!"


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